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When: Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 11:00 - 12:15
Where: Auditorium 2
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Session description
Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 rocked the EU energy market. Two years on, the Continent has done a decent job at cutting back on Russian fossil fuel imports while keeping the lights on. At the same time, renewables have been booming, especially wind and solar, and the emissions of the bloc’s power grid have massively dropped last year. With elections looming in the two sides of the Atlantic and fierce competition from China on green tech, the EU is forced to bolster its energy sovereignty. How will this unfold during the next mandate?
Session chair

Cory Bennett
Introductory remarks

Pierre Tardieu
Chief Policy Officer, WindEurope
Panel Discussion

Michael Bloss
Greens - European Free Alliance, Germany

Pilar del Castillo Vera
European People's Party, Spain

Nicolás Gonzalez Casares
Socialists and Democrats, Spain

Cristina Prună
Renew Europe, Romania

Robert Roos
European Conservatives and Reformists, Netherlands