Presentations - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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Paving the way for tailored onshore wind community engagement at scale

Giulia Privitera, Head of Sustainability, Renantis


Europe has currently 255 GW of wind capacity and will need to build over 30 GW of new wind farms per year on average (compared to 19 GW installed in 2022) to meet its 2030 Climate and Energy targets. Social acceptance of onshore wind projects will be even more crucial to support the pace of growth required to meet these ambitious decarbonisation targets. Engaging with the communities that host our wind farms is at the core of the sustainable business model of Renantis (previously known as Falck Renewables). Laying solid foundations for constant, transparent and lasting dialogue with our local communities and stakeholders has allowed us to build trust, redistribute the economic value created by our presence and enable sustainable growth and development in the areas where we operate - a business model that we have tested and continuously improved over the last 20 years since we established our first community benefit scheme and co-operative in UK in 2005. Our two-fold approach relies, on one side, on having a robust framework that allows us to apply consistent economic, environmental and social sustainability principles across our global assets guided by our Sustainability Charter; on the other side it ensures the flexibility required to tailor our engagement and offering to the needs and priorities of each community. The presentation will highlight how we scaled up this model to different countries over the years building on our experience in the UK, allowing us to deliver over € 20 million in benefits to local communities to date. By sharing successful approaches and best practices we can pave the way for onshore wind community engagement at scale, making sure that communities are taken along the journey of onshore wind development and are empowered to be part of the transition towards a more sustainable and decarbonised future.

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WindEurope Annual Event 2024