EU industrial strategy must recognise wind energy as a job creator in its own right | WindEurope
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EU industrial strategy must recognise wind energy as a job creator in its own right

Last week, WindEurope was one of the co-signatories of a letter calling for a robust industrial strategy to implement the Green Deal.

Europe can only reach climate-neutrality through the sustained growth of renewable energy to power the economy. This will be essential to ensure Europe’s long-term security of energy supply and technology leadership.

The letter advised that renewable energy technologies should be acknowledged among the key Strategic Value Chains in the European Commission’s upcoming Industrial Strategy.

Today, renewables already provide 1.2 million direct and indirect European jobs. With the right industrial strategy in place, this could jump to 2.7 million jobs according to International Renewable Energy Agency.

And wind energy is uniquely poised to play a key role in this. Wind energy is the most mature renewables technology in Europe, it already provides 15% of Europe’s power, and it has established Europe as the global leader in renewable energy.

Here are 5 clear steps that the Commission should take, as part of a renewables industrial strategy, to get the most out of wind energy:

Want to know more? Read all our analysis on the Green Deal – and what the European Commission must do to deliver it.

Find out more about the Green Deal

