Wind Energy and Aviation - WindEurope Offshore 2019

Wind Energy and Aviation

When: Wednesday 27 November, 10:00 – 13:00

Where: Meeting room 18, level 1

Open to: All registered participants

WindEurope is organising the fourth edition of the “Wind Energy and Aviation” event. The aim of the event is to share experience and good practices on the co-existence of aviation and wind farms.

A significant number of wind farms face objections from aviation stakeholders. By sharing best practices, we would like to showcase how leadership and collaboration can create opportunities to overcome the challenges for wind energy and aviation sectors to co-exist at national and international level.

The event will revolve around the latest available aviation surveillance technology, covering specific issues and sharing best practices. Representatives from the public and private sectors will present strategies to foster dialogue and collaboration between wind energy and defense activities.

Representatives from national and international bodies will attend, consisting of Civil Aviation Authorities, National Air Traffic Service Providers, Ministries of Defence, Military aviation, and Met Offices from across Europe. Representatives of radar manufacturing companies and wind energy practitioners will also take part in this event.