13 June 2016
WindEurope goes all in at Sustainable Energy Week

With legislative proposals on market design and renewables expected for the end of the year, WindEurope is taking its proposals to policymakers and the public at the EU Sustainable Energy Week (13-17 June).
On Tuesday, WindEurope will host a panel where industry representatives calling for flexible power markets (the paper industry, Statoil and the demand response sector) will exchange with the European Commission and ENTSO-E on the rules needed to ensure a full decarbonisation of the power sector (full details).
On Wednesday, WisePower, the EU-funded project on public acceptance coordinated by WindEurope, will be featured in a session on the role of local communities and innovative financing in deploying renewables. The discussion will be headlined by Claude Turmes, Member of European Parliament, and Marie Donnelly, Director at DG Energy,
On Thursday, WindEurope will spar with German and Danish officials on whether their model for cross-border tenders could be a blueprint to help all Member States meet the 2030 renewable energy target (full details).
The week will wrap up with a half-day workshop in the context of the EU-funded Market4RES project. WindEurope will present its findings on design options for a market with large shares of renewables in a session that concludes with a panel featuring the European Commission, Eurelectric and the German Ministry of Energy (full details).