ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent PartnersPowering the FutureMarkets TheatreResearch & Innovation in actionStudent programmePresenters dashboardRound Table: Women reinventing energy
When: Thursday, 21 March 2024, 11:30 - 12:30
Where: Room 3, level 5
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Learning objectives
Conference pass not required We are facing the challenge of our generation: how to secure sustainable energy for a rapidly growing global population while combating climate change. It is becoming increasingly evident that to address this challenge, we need to diversify our solutions and the minds behind them. Traditional energy sectors have been historically characterized by homogeneity, limiting the range of perspectives and approaches applied to issues. Yet, as global energy demands surge, and as the environmental, economic, and societal implications become more pressing, there is an imperative need to broaden our vision. By embracing diversity—in gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, and beyond—we stand to benefit from a wealth of untapped potential and creative solutions.
This discussion will provide insights into how leaders inclusion strategies have accelerated innovation across the wind industry , highlighting the transformative power of inclusivity in shaping a secure, sustainable and profitable energy landscape.
Use this link to register your interest to participate to the round table.
Session chair

Lindsay McQuade
Director of Energy, EMEA, Amazon Web Services

Malgosia Bartosik
Deputy CEO, WindEurope