Presentations - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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HIPERWIND: HIghly advanced Probabilistic design and Enhanced Reliability methods for high-value, cost-efficient offshore wind.

Nikolay Dimitrov, Senior Scientist, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Wind and Energy Systems


"HIPERWIND focuses on quantifying and incorporating uncertainty information throughout the entire wind turbine and wind farm modelling chain, from environmental conditions to reliability and cost of energy. Advanced mathematical methods, high-quality data, and high-fidelity computational tools are used with the aim of improving wind turbine design, reliability, and ultimately reducing the cost of energy. As part of the project activities, HIPERWIND demonstrated practical procedures for design under uncertainty, how this can be used to reduce material use, and what is the impact on LCOE. Novel research contributions include: advanced, probabilistic data-driven (surrogate) models, reliability assessment methods, component life prediction models, uncertainty quantification of wake, hydrodynamics and loads models, coupled atmospheric flow modelling, statistical models of environmental conditions, O&M and LCOE models, new software tools. The project is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 program, and runs from 01 Dec 2020 to 31 May 2024, currently in the process of extending the end date to 30.09.2024. The project has seven international partners and is coordinated by the Technical University of Denmark. Project website:"

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WindEurope Annual Event 2024