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PO222: Aerodynamic performance of leading edge protection over lifetime
Arturo Muñoz-Simón, Aerodynamic Engineer, LM Wind Power
Wind turbine aerodynamic performance is degraded due to the erosion caused by rain which, furthermore, forces expensive and complex repairs. The effect of erosion can be effectively delayed by applying leading edge protection (LEP) to the blades. Thus, we need to accurately estimate the aerodynamic performance of eroded blades, blades protected with LEP and repaired blades to make profitable decisions. The erosion process is continuous during the blade lifecycle, thus, we have developed a methodology based on extensive testing and computational methods to assess the aerodynamic performance of a blade throughout its entire lifecycle including all erosion stages, blades protected by LEP and repaired blades. The objective of this methodology is to compute the energy generated by the wind turbine at every lifetime stage given the annual rainfall of the site where it is located. This methodology requires rain erosion test data to define the erosion state of the blade (incubation, before and after breakthrough) based on the cumulative rainfall, the relative air-blade velocity and the material properties (naked blade or LEP). Moreover, a model based on wind tunnel test data is used to estimate the airfoil performance with LEP and at different erosion stages. Additionally, the aerodynamic performance of repaired blades has been estimated based on experience. An estimation of the aerodynamic impact of all these situations has to be included in a lifetime model to adequately evaluate the energy output decrease due to erosion, the cost of the repairs and to fairly compare different LEP solutions. This constitutes relevant information to base economic decisions about LEP solutions. Moreover, the analysis of operating LEP during long periods of time confirm the good performance of some LEP solutions and encourage the continuous improvement of this technology.