Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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Presenters and Speakers

Aris Stefatos

CEO, Hellenic Hydrocarbons and Energy Resources Management Company (HEREMA S.A.)


Aristofanis (Aris) Stefatos, CEO of the Hellenic Hydrocarbons and Energy Resources Management Company (HEREMA S.A.) holds a PhD in geology & geophysics, a master’s degree in Environmental Oceanography and a bachelors in Geology. For the last 16 years he has held senior and top management positions in private E&P companies in Norway and has been a founding partner of five Norwegian companies within the broader E&P sector, including companies developing innovative environmental and digitalization solutions. Through his 25 years of work experience, Mr. Stefatos has also worked with the technical maturation of exploration prospects and drilling. He has worked in geological basins in Europe, North America, Indian ocean, West Coast of Africa, and South East Asia. He has a proven track record of five oil and gas discoveries in the Norwegian and the Barents Sea.
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WindEurope Annual Event 2024