Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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Presenters and Speakers

Mrs. Ruth Carrasco

Associate Director for SDG, ETSI Industriales – Technical University of Madrid (UPM)


Prof. Ruth Carrasco Gallego is an industrial engineer from Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and Ecole des Ponts-Paristech and has a PhD in Organisational Engineering and Logistics, with a dissertation on closed-loop supply chains. After three years of professional experience in the industrial sector (L’Oreal, Air Liquide), she joined UPM as faculty member, where she has been teaching, researching and leading innovation initiatives for already 17 years. She has been a visiting scholar in universities in the Netherlands, Japan and Switzerland and in the business school INSEAD. She is a regular speaker in MBAs and executive programs (ESCP Business School, IEN, …). Currently, she belongs to the directive board of Industriales UPM, as Associate Dean for the SDGs. Within the European University EELISA, she leads the community of practice “The Regenerative Campus”, an in-campus living lab of real circular economy, where firms and their value chains, academics, researchers, students and public administrations, join together to experiment on circularity transitions and demonstrate their viability. She was part of the design team of CIEC Madrid (The Innovation Centre for Circular Economy of the City of Madrid), and is now currently involved in its ecosystem management team. She has just been appointed by UPM Rector as Director of the new Chair UPM-Region of Madrid on Circular Economy. LinkedIn:
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WindEurope Annual Event 2024