Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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Presenters and Speakers

Nikolai Hille

Principle Engineer, DNV


Nikolai Hille has a degree in mechanical engineering (Dipl. Ing.) from Braunschweig Technical University. He joined DNV (formerly Germanischer Lloyd) in 2001. Since then he worked in the context of wind energy certification with different responsibilities as project engineer for wind turbine loads and dynamics as well as project and line manager. Holding the position of a Principal Engineer for loads he participated in the development of a several wind energy loads standards and recommended practices. Special fields of his expertise are lidar assisted control of wind turbines and wind farm control (super-ordinated control of a wind farm as unit to improve its overall performance over lifetime). Furthermore, he is expert for the measurement of turbulence intensity using lidars in the context of certification.
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WindEurope Annual Event 2024