Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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Presenters and Speakers

Amaia Martinez Martinez

Business Development Manager, WINDTECHNIC ENGINEERING SL


Amaia Martínez has over 10 years of international experience as structural engineer specialized in dynamic of structures. She got her MSc in Civil Engineering by the University of Santander (Spain) and later pursued her MASc in Structural and Earthquake Engineering in the University of British Columbia (Canada). After working for some years on seismic design of concrete structures and seismic assessment of cities along USA and Canada, she decided to apply all her knowledge in structural dynamics to the wind energy sector. This way, she has contributed to the development of green energies by introducing new and alternative technologies, like floating platforms, climbing cranes, precast concrete towers and foundations, that help reducing the cost of energy. Before joining Windtechnic Engineering SL as business development manager, she worked for HWS Concrete Towers as technical manager and for Saitec Offshore Technologies as project manager.
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WindEurope Annual Event 2024