Markets Theatre - WindEurope Annual Event 2024

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Markets Theatre

As the global demand for sustainable and green energy continues to grow and evolve, wind energy will hold a key role in driving and powering the ongoing energy transition. Staying on top of ongoing developments in today’s dynamic energy landscape, can occasionally be a time-consuming task.

As part of this year’s Markets Theatre, SSE Renewables is partnering with WindEurope to bring you updates and in-depth analysis of global drivers of renewable energy growth, supply chain trends and dynamics, and key wind markets in Europe, Latin and North America, and Asia-Pacific.

When visiting the exhibition, make sure to stop by the Markets Theatre for insights from industry leaders, country delegations, and market experts.

  • When: 20-22 March 2024
  • Where: Markets Theatre – Exhibition – Hall 3
  • Open to: All visitors with a valid event ticket

Brought to you by:

SSE Renewables
Session details are updated regularly.

Wednesday, 20 March

10:45 - 11:00
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
11:00 - 11:45
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
12:00 - 13:15
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
13:30 - 14:15
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
14:45 - 15:30
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
16:00 - 16:45
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
17:00 - 17:30
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required

Thursday, 21 March

11:00 - 11:30
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
12:00 - 12:45
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
13:15 - 14:15
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
14:45 - 15:30
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
16:00 - 16:45
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
17:00 - 17:45
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required

Friday, 22 March

10:00 - 10:45
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
11:00 - 11:45
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
12:00 - 12:45
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
13:15 - 14:00
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required
14:15 - 15:00
Hall 3 - Markets Theatre
No conference pass required

Event Ambassadors

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WindEurope Annual Event 2024