Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2022 in Bilbao

Presenters and Speakers

Jose Luis Adanero Lopez

Head of Investment Office and Business Performance (Renewables), Iberdrola


He is a Mechanical Engineer from Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid (ETSII - UPM) and Economist from Universidad de Educación a Distancia (UNED). He also holds an MBA specialized in the Energy Sector at Escuela de Dirección del Instituto de Estudios Superiores de la Empresa of Universidad de Navarra (IESE Business School). Currently (Since 2017) he coordinates the Investment Office in the Renewable business of IBERDROLA where he has been involved since he joined the company in 2008, as an investment analyst. During the following years he got more responsibility, with a wider number of countries on his scope and coordinating different teams. Previously he worked as a project engineer in another Utility. His main role is to analyze all the investment opportunities that the company has in the renewable energy sector and at the same time works as the Renewables CEO Office. Additionally, he is the secretary of the Renewables Management Committee.
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