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Global Innovation Process Manager, Holcim Technology
Victor Pacheco is a global-minded Innovation Project Manager with more than 18 years of experience in the construction and chemical industry in Latin America, Europe and Asia. He studied Economics and Marketing at the University of Granada (Spain) and West of England in Bristol (UK). After his studies, he joined BASF, the biggest chemical company in the world, where he worked in different innovation roles in Switzerland, Mexico and Hong Kong for more than10 years. In 2014 Victor became part of Holcim, one of the leaders in the building materials industry. Working in diverse innovation topics, he executed his first project related to the wind industry more than 3 years ago with the aim to improve building materials for foundations. In his current role Victor targets to create more circulars and sustainable wind farms.Presentations
- Blades: performance, recycling and circularity
More sustainable Wind Farms: from Rotor Blades Recycling to Green Concrete
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