Sessions | WindEurope Technology Workshop 2023

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Landscape of resource assessment methodologies

Resource assessment

When: Thursday, 1 June 2023, 11:05 - 12:35
Where: Auditorium Lumière

Session description

This session will be a combination of measurements technologies and the use of mesoscale models and data. We will learn about new entrants in the wind lidar market, uncertainty from Floating lidars and the use of nacelle based lidars to investigate individual floating turbines. Additionally, we will discuss about calibration of mesoscale data and how mesoscale models can help investigating failures during the operational phase.

Session chair

Miriam Marchante

Wind Farm Lead specialist, R&D Roadmap manager, Ørsted


Determining the Real Measurement Uncertainty of Floating LiDAR derived from Multiple Campaigns in the North Sea

Wonjung Chung

Wind and Layout Engineer, Copenhagen Offshore Partners

Assessing the performance of eight commercial lidars

Rafael Amaral Tavares

Lead Measurement Engineer, Ørsted

The TetraSpar Demonstrator Project: Using a nacelle mounted lidar to understand the yield of an individual floating turbine

Samuel Williams

Senior Scientist, RWE Offshore Wind

Calibrating mesoscale based wind speed maps with a large database of real measurement data

Sergio Jimenez Sanjuan

Wind Data Scientist, DNV

Estimation of annual energy production for floating wind farms with dynamic layout

Feike Savenije

Researcher Wind Energy, TNO

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WindEurope Technology Workshop 2024