Presenters and Speakers
Programme committeePresenters dashboardSpeakersPostersSergio Jimenez Sanjuan

Wind Data Scientist, DNV
Sergio join DNV in 2018 as Senior Data Scientist in the Project Development and Analytics department. He has a wide experience in advanced data analytics and machine learning applied to renewable energy assessment. His areas of expertise are hybrid renewable projects, time series based energy assessment, uncertainty and risk assessment as well as electricity market forecasting and strategy optimization for renewable energy producers. He also coordinates several innovation projects. Ph. D. in Physics at University of Zaragoza, specialist in Scientific Computing, Computer Simulation, Data Science and Big Data. Post Doctoral experience at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". From 2005 works for advisory sector performing analytic data centric consulting projects and advance software development, mainly for the energy and telecommunication companies. He has experience as instructor in Data Science, Big Data and R language courses and from 2011 also as Assistant Lecturer of Physics at the University of Zaragoza.Presentations
- Landscape of resource assessment methodologies
Calibrating mesoscale based wind speed maps with a large database of real measurement data
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