
Dr. Stephan Barth

Managing Director, ForWind


Stephan Barth has been working in the wind energy sector for more than 10 years. He is currently the managing director of ForWind, the Center for Wind Energy Research of the Universities of Oldenburg, Hannover and Bremen. He studied physics and holds a PhD in natural sciences from the University of Oldenburg. Prior to his position at ForWind he has been working as a scientist and project manager at the Energy research Center of the Netherlands (ECN). Stephan Barth is the Alternate German Member of the Federal Republic of Germany within the International Energy Agency Wind Executive Committee (IEA TCP Wind ExCo)and is also vice-chair of that body. He has been a long-term member of the Board of the European Wind Energy Association and is member of several other regional, national or international committees and bodies, e.g. Board of Trustees of Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems.


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