"Local impact, global leadership"


Improved meteorology applications for wind

Resource assessment (on- and offshore)

When: Tuesday, 28 November 2017, 16:30 - 17:45
Where: G103

Session description

The aim of the meeting is to discuss how better access to data, the creation of partnership agreements for data exchange and the establishment of data collection protocols (standardisation) could be put in place in order to allow meteorologists to provide better weather and climate products that would in exchange benefit the power producers by having more accurate resource assessments and power forecasts. The session will be attended by climatologists, meteorologists and energy practitioners.

Learning objectives

  1. Delegates will learn about existing initiatives,
  2. Delegates will analyse the barriers to data sharing: confidentiality, competitive advantage, sensitive data, transparency and commercialisation issues,
  3. Delegates will identify what are the benefits of data sharing for both meteorologists and the energy sector,
  4. Delegates will be able to examine what are the challenges to creating and/or agreeing on data standards.

Session chair

Alberto Troccoli
Managing director and leader, World Energy & Meteorology Council / Copernicus Project European Climatic Energy Mixes (ECEM)


Application of weather forecasting and artificial intelligence in optimizing renewable energy integration. An ABB & IBM perspective.

Adrian Timbus
Technology and Solutions Manager, ABB

Biren Gandhi
Global Work & Asset Optimisation and Renewable Energy Solutions , IBM

Open Science in the New European Wind Atlas

Javier Sanz Rodrigo
Senior Researcher, CENER

Why good energy data are key in climate related studies

Laurent Dubus
Expert researcher, EDF R&D

Building wind energy taxonomy for FAIR data: how to organize and find web distributed data

Anna Maria Sempreviva
Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy

Event Ambassadors