Wind Industry Supporting Ukrainians
WindEurope and the European wind energy industry stand with all Ukrainians in the face of Russian aggression.
As an association with partners, companies and colleagues in Ukraine we are determined to do what we can to support the Ukrainian crisis. Our solidarity with Ukraine is very important at this time – so do help us if you can.
Fundraising activity
Together with the PWEA and UWEA, RenewableUK and other wind energy national associations, we’re launching a fundraising initiative among our member companies to support the Ukrainian Foundation of Citizens (Gromadyany Foundation). The funds will be used to deliver essential equipment to critical infrastructure in Ukraine, like generators for hospitals and schools.
The Gromadyany Foundation has existed and operates since 2014 and now the main activities are around providing assistance for hospitals and schools located in the war zones. Their staff and community of volunteers work on range of activities, varying from psychological and legal support to the purchase and delivery of critical supplies.
Let’s stand together and collect funds to support the efforts of the Gormadyany Foundation.
You can donate as an individual or as a company. We have set up different payment possibilities – if you would like to make a bank transfer, please contact our Finance Team. All payments will be registered and ring-fenced on the WindEurope account and transferred to the Foundation on weekly basis. We will close the fund collection on 1 May.
All donors will receive full report from the Foundation on how the money was spent. WindEurope can issue a donation certificate on request.
Charity auction
We’re supporting a charity auction hosted by GP Renewables. They are auctioning a bench made out of recycled wind turbine blades and the proceeds will go towards supporting a Ukrainian refugee family.
Join us for a dedicated session on the Ukrainian market
The Ukrainian and Polish Wind Energy Associations invite you to a special workshop looking at the situation in Ukraine. It will take place in the Global Markets Theatre, on Tuesday 5 April, 16:15 -17:00.
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