Offshore wind supply chain in Portugal

When:Wednesday 6 April, 11:00–12:30
Where: Bilbao Room, Level 2 (Press conference Room)
Open to: All registered participants
Offshore Wind Supply Chain in Portugal is a stakeholder engagement event organized in the aim of the European Funded TWIND project, that aims to facilitate knowledge exchange to support offshore wind growth. As part of the project the consortium prepared a stakeholder’s matrix to identify key actors in the supply chain and open opportunities to companies interested in offshore wind in Portugal.
This event will present the main objectives, activities, and results of the project, with a focus on the stakeholder’s matrix. It will also gather some of these stakeholder’s that will present their experience, interests, and future challenges in offshore wind.
The overall objective of TWIND project is to create a network of excellence that will dynamize a pool of specialized research professionals and trainers in the domain of offshore wind energy to support an emerging industry in Portugal.
TWIND brings together an experienced and highly-qualified consortium comprising three research centres and one university: WavEC Offshore Renewable (The coordinator from Portugal), TECNALIA (Spain), ORE CATAPULT (UK) and TUDELFT (The Netherlands).
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