Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2022 in Bilbao

Presenters and Speakers

Matt Smith

ZX Lidars


Michael Harris is Director of Science at ZX Lidars in Ledbury, U.K. His career in scientific research has encompassed a range of topics, both fundamental and applied. He has contributed to the invention and design of a variety of lidar systems for different applications, including the ZephIR laser anemometer. For nearly twenty years he has played a pioneering role in the introduction of lidar into the wind energy industry, including the design and installation of the world-first nacelle-mounted lidar in 2003.


  • Nacelle lidars for wake detection and waked inflow energy loss estimation
  • Clear air performance of turbine-mounted circular scan CW lidars
  • Large turbine performance determination demand long range and full rotor measurements: a study with nacelle mounted, circular scan lidars
  • Exploiting rapid data rates from continuous wave wind lidar
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