Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2022 in Bilbao

Presenters and Speakers

Karolina Lipinska

Deputy Director of the Department for Economic Development, Office of the Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodeship


Since 2000 I have been involved in shaping the Pomeranian region's economic landscape as a person responsible for the development of entrepreneurship and innovation. Firstly, I worked in BSSSC (Baltic Sea States Subregional Conference), where I had the opportunity to learn about interregional cooperation’s mechanisms and to appreciate the importance of networking resulting in creation of international projects and initiatives. Then, I had the opportunity to use my experience in the institution responsible for the development of the region - Pomeranian Development Agency, where I focused on supporting the development of companies, having access to funds distributed under the structural funds. In 2007-2010 I had the opportunity to coordinate work related to the implementation of the first cluster development policy in Poland implemented in Pomorskie. For several years I have been responsible for creating the Pomeranian innovation ecosystem including elements such as: R&D system, technology transfer, start-ups, internationalization of products and services, while contributing a wide range of financing tools. Currently, I coordinate work related to the Regional Innovation Strategy, where the Pomeranian Smart Specialization are the key element. By observing the phenomena and processes taking place in the region, I see the essence of the importance of entrepreneurial culture, mentality, motivation and creativity. I have the opportunity to research on these phenomena scientifically in my PhD thesis aimed at the influence of informal institutions on the absorption of structural funds for R&D by enterprises. I publish and conduct lectures in this area. Mother of Hubi and Zuzia - my most creative life venture.

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