Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2022 in Bilbao

Presenters and Speakers

Abel Mendez

Commercial Director, Navantia


Navantia’s Green Energies commercial Director. Responsibility over Navantia’s commercial and business development activities in the energy sector, with special interest in offshore wind developments. Academic Background: Naval Architect and Marine Engineer by the University of A Coruña (Honors) and PhD (Cum Laude). Since his graduation as Naval Architect and Marine Engineer (honors), he has been alternating the naval military and Offshore sectors, including Oil& Gas and Offshore Wind, in different positions, including design, contract management and commercial activities In the last years has been particularly involved in the development of the offshore wind activities in Navantia, having participated in 11 projects in 5 countries concerning fixed and floating wind, and electrical subestations
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