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scientific researcher, Center for Wind Power Drives
Mr. Röder, M.Sc. in mechanical engineering from RWTH Aachen, has been working for the Center for Wind Power Drives (CWD) for two years as a scientific researcher. In his current research project "DynaGET" he investigates the influence of grid faults and faults in the electrical system of wind turbines on the loading of the mechanical drivetrain components. This investigation is done via simulation using MBS for the mechanics in co-simulation with analytical models for the control, the generator and the grid. Furthermore grid faults will be tested on the 4MW nacelle test bench of the institute using the FVA research nacelle. With the help of these tests it will be possible to validate the results gathered via simulation. Besides the research activities Mr. Röder is responsible for the operation of the 4MW test bench and supports the comissioning of every new device under test on the test bench.Presentations
- Optimising operations of existing wind farms
Investigation of a converter fault for a DFIG wind turbine and analysis of the resulting gearbox component loads
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