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Chief Technology Officer, ESTEYCO S.A.
José Serna is a Civil Engineer and CTO at ESTEYCO, an independent engineering and technology development company with headquarters Spain. In 2007, he co-founded Esteyco's specialized division in the energy sector which provides advanced engineering services for both the onshore and offshore wind industries and has been involved in more than 450 wind farms and 50GW of installed wind power all over the world. He has led the development of several pioneer and patented wind energy-related technologies, both onshore and offshore. For offshore wind, these include the ELISA technology, first and only bottom fixed solution allowing for the installation of offshore wind turbines without heavy-lift vessels (built and in operation in Gran Canaria, Spain); the WHEEL technology, an innovative concept for floating wind for unparalleled reduction in floater width, harbour draft, material usage and carbon footprint or the ATOMS technology, a solution for large corrective maintenance of bottom-fixed or floating WTGs with no need for jack-ups.Presentations
- Floating structures and components
Wheel technology for offshore wind. Evolved spar floating platform
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