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Project Manager / Researcher, TNO - Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
Novita Saraswati – Wind Energy Project Manager / Researcher : holds master’s degree in project management from Energy and Environment Engineering from IMT Atlantique in France. Since joining TNO (previously ECN) in 2017, she has focused on the offshore wind farms' installations, operations, and maintenance. Novita is currently leading the installation and O&M research program at TNO, including managing TNO’s logistics simulation software suite UWISE (Unified Wind farm Simulation Environment). The suite consists of an installation planning tool (INSTALL), a long (O&M Planner) and a short-term (Despatch) O&M optimization tool. Besides logistic optimization, she’s been active in scoping the environmental impact side of offshore wind, such as decommissioning, end of life strategies, recycling and life cycle assessment. Apart from knowledge development in offshore wind, she manages projects such as next-generation offshore wind turbines, bird and bat monitoring, LCoE reduction from installation, and O&M optimization.Presentations
- Offshore turbines and components
Transport and Installation of 12 MW+ Offshore Wind Turbines as part of GE’s Haliade-X Demo R&D Project
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