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Research Scientist, UL
Roberto Chávez works as a research scientist at UL Renewables. He has been part the wind energy community for almost 7 years since he finished his PhD in Environmental Sciences. He has also been part of the National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain (CENER), first as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow, and later as part of its research staff. He has actively participated in several European and national-funded projects such as the New European Wind Atlas, the Closed Loop Wind Farm Control, and the IEA Wind Task 31. He has a wide experience working with numerical weather prediction models and CFD tools, and focuses on developing practical solutions for the wind energy industry.Presentations
- Resource assessment: wakes and blockages
Large-Eddy Simulations of the Lillgrund wind farm with the WRF model and the Generalized Actuator Disk.
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