Are you presenting a poster?
About the poster programme
What is a poster?
- Posters are A0 formatted and printed papers, where an abstract is presented in a written format and displayed at the event to all delegates.
- If your abstract was selected for a poster, you must create a poster file and an accompanying 3-minutes recorded presentation based on your submitted abstract.
- Posters are displayed in a dedicated poster area and are available for delegates to view throughout the event.
- We recommend that you are present at your poster during the breaks as this is the moment to answer questions from delegates.
Poster pitches
- A couple of posters will be presented during dedicated “Poster Pitch” moments.
- The abstracts for the poster pitches are selected by the Programme Committee.
- The selected abstracts will be informed by the conference secretariat.
- Per “Poster Pitch” moment, the selected poster presenters will give a 3-minute pitch about their work.
About your poster
If you have not submitted your poster by the deadline, we will automatically cancel your poster. It is not possible for you to bring your poster with you onsite.
1. Poster templates
- It is mandatory to use the official WindEurope templates. We do not accept any other format.
- In addition to our traditional poster templates, we have now introduced new templates inspired by the ‘Better Poster’ project. The aim is to make posters’ main takeaways more visible and help you stand out! Find out more here.
- Header and footer should not be customised. Templates can only be changed as explained in the info sheet in the template.
- Poster number (PO.XXX)
- The conference team assigns a poster number to each poster. We will send you your unique poster number by email. This number is different from your abstract submission number. Before submitting your files, make sure to include your poster number in your poster as indicated in the template.
- QR Codes
- The conference team creates two QR codes for each poster and will insert them in your poster file. The QR codes allow the conference delegates to download:
- Your poster in PDF
- Your recorded poster presentation
- The conference team creates two QR codes for each poster and will insert them in your poster file. The QR codes allow the conference delegates to download:
2. Poster recording
- As a poster presenter, we require that you record a 3-minutes presentation. Posters without a recording will be considered as incomplete.
- You must submit the recording at the same time as the poster file.
- Recordings will be downloadable through a QR code (created and added by the conference team).
- See the poster recording guidelines here.
3. Submitting your poster and recording
- You must submit your poster files as PowerPoint files through the presenters’ portal.
- Recordings must be submitted as separate files from the poster via WeTransfer or a similar tool to [email protected] – do not keep your recording included in your poster file. Information on how to save your recording as a separate media file is explained here
Practical Information
1. Poster printing
- Everyone is required to use WindEurope’s free poster printing and mounting service:
- The printed posters will measure 84.1cm (width) x 118.9cm (height) (A0)
- WindEurope converts the PowerPoint files to print-ready PDFs. No exceptions are made.
2. Mounting and dismantling of posters
- Posters are displayed on boards for the whole duration of the event.
- Our team will mount all posters before the event begins.
- You can remove your poster as of 16:45 on Friday, 20 June only.