Programme committee
WindEurope would like to thank the members of the Programme Committee.
Programme committee members advise WindEurope on defining the topics for the call for abstracts, they take part in the abstracts review and selection of submitted abstracts. They help us build the programme and poster selection.
We are grateful for the Programme Committee’s guidance in shaping the event’s programme. And we would like to thank the following individuals for their time and expertise.
Resource Assessment
- Mike Anderson, Member, ETIPWind Steering Committee
- Jake Badger, Head of Section, Resource Assessment and Meteorology, DTU Wind Energy
- Julia Gottschall, Chief Scientist, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES
- Lars Landberg, Director, Group Leader, Renewables, Group Research and Development, DNV
- Gil Lizcano, Co-Founder, Climate Scale
- Riccardo Longo, Offshore Grid Manager, WindEurope
- Pep Moreno, CEO, Vortex
- José Vidal, Product Manager of Windnavigator & Data Products, UL Solutions
Analysis of Operating Wind Farms
- Carolina Garcia Barquero, Power Curve Portfolio Manager, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
- Gaspar Iniesta, Independent Wind Energy Tech Expert
- Georges Kariniotakis, Professor, Head of Renewables & SmartGrids Group, Centre PERSEE of MINES ParisTech
- Sofia Koukoura, Senior Asset Performance Analysis Engineer, ScottishPower Renewables
- Miriam Marchante, Wind Farm Lead specialist, R&D Roadmap manager, Ørsted
- Simon Watson, Professor of Wind Energy Systems, TU Delft