SpeakersPostersPresenters’ dashboardProgramme committeeLiDAR II
When: Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 14:45 - 15:45
Where: Pembroke-Herbert room
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Session description
Lidars are quickly becoming the go-to instrument for measuring the wind resource high aloft; onshore, offshore, and on floating platforms. In this session we will look at a number of technical aspects including: the limitations of using turbulence intensities derived from lidar measurements, are we reaching the limits for how high we can measure, what are the specific problems of measuring in cold (and dry) areas, and finally, making sure the quality of the lidar output is as high as possible. As you can see, a wide-ranging session, with many difficult and interesting aspects of measuring the wind with lasers!
Session chair

Lars Landberg
Vice President, Group Leader, Renewables, Group Research and Development, DNV

Paula Gómez
Head of Section Testing and Calibration, DTU Wind and Energy Systems

Limitations on the use of lidar turbulence data for site suitability and energy yield assessment in complex sites.
Laura Valldecabres
Wind Resource Specialist, Enel Green Power

Floating LiDARs and Ever Increasing Hub Heights - How High is Too High?
Ela Young
Consultant Engineer, Frazer-Nash Consultancy
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