SpeakersPostersProgramme committeePresenters' dashboardMonitoring & diagnostics
When: Friday, 24 June 2022, 9:00 - 10:15
Where: Auditorium
Session chair

Lars Landberg
Vice President, Group Leader, Renewables, Group Technology and Research, DNV

Development of a new degradation oil test method for gearbox oils using the color measurement
Yesid Antonio Gomez
OCM Diagnostician Manager, Bureau Veritas

From Blade to BigQuery: A case study of the Aerosense Data Gateway with open-source, production-ready code.
Marcus Lugg
Senior Software Engineer, Octue

Realizing Collective Wind Plant Control - Lessons Learned from Swarm Implementations.
James Duncan
Senior Applications Engineer, WindESCo

Vibration fault diagnosis in wind turbine gearboxes with automated feature learning
Angela Meyer
Professor, Bern University of Applied Sciences