SpeakersProgramme committeePresenters’ dashboardWho should attend?Advances in wind turbine blade recycling technologies
When: Wednesday, 4 December 2024, 11:45 - 12:45
Where: Room G3
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Session description
Around 14,000 blades could be dismantled across the continent in the next five years, which would amount to between 40,000 and 60,000 tonnes of waste. As WindEurope and others are calling for a Europe-wide landfill ban on wind turbine blades from 2025 onwards, this would mean that the wind industry needs to commit to 100 % recycling or recovery of out-of-service blades. For this reason, different projects and initiatives are being developed to promote blade recycling through different technologies. Join this session to discover updates on new projects and the latest progress on ongoing ones.
Session chair

Gian Marco Gioffré
Advisor Sustainability, WindEurope

DeremCo Project
Marcello Colledani
Full Professor, Politecnico di Milano, and co-founder of FiberEUse Tech

Iván Botamino García
Head of Materials Engineering and Renewable Energy Department - Technical Management, FCC Ámbito
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