Conference programmeTopic LeadersSpeakersPostersScience & ResearchOnshore wind turbines: where do we go next?
Turbine Technology (on- and offshore)
When: Wednesday, 29 November 2017, 11:30 - 12:45
Where: Emerald
Session description
Offshore wind turbines will soon be exceeding 10MW in order to lower LCOE. But how can onshore reach the same level facing the dual challenge of more restrictions (noise, transportation, etc.) and less wind resources being available? New turbine architectures, advanced materials and production processes at lowest possible costs are needed in order to keep up with the market demand. What technological innovations can support such market development? What improvements in turbine components can help to optimize the complete value chain?
Learning objectives
- Analyze the current trends in onshore technology from a key player in business intelligence
- Assess the potential of a lightweight superconducting drivetrain developed in a joint European project
- Realize how new materials allow to reduce wind turbine loads
- Reflect on the possible benefits of taller wind turbine towers
Session chairs
Paris Lappas
Head of Product Strategy, Nordex Group
Gerard Van Bussel
Professor, TU Delft
Paris Lappas
Head of Product Strategy, Nordex Group
Is bigger better? Next generation 4MW onshore turbines for European wind auctions
Shashi Barla
Technology Consultant, MAKE Consulting
Towards the First Installation of a Direct Drive Superconducting Generator on a Commercial Wind Turbine
Jesper Hansen
Project Manager, Envision Energy
Tall Tower Technology
Chirag Kareliya
Product Manager, Vestas Wind Systems A/S