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Victoria Galeano, US Director of Repowerlab, Repowerlab
As the global wind energy sector expands, the challenge of managing wind turbines at the end of their operational life has become increasingly significant. This business case demonstrates how RepowerLab, in collaboration with Ventos Metódicos and ERG, applied circular economy principles in the dismantling, retrofitting, and resale of 132 Vestas V52 850kW wind turbines across four wind farms in Sicily, Italy. The project involved dismantling wind farms located in Mineo-Militello-Vizzini (Catania), Partinico-Monreale (Palermo), Camporeale (Palermo), and Castelvetrano-Salemi (Trapani), totaling 132 turbines. Instead of resorting to the disposal of these assets, RepowerLab performed an innovative retrofitting process, upgrading the turbines' operational components and restoring them to a condition suitable for resale in the second-hand turbine market. The retrofitted turbines, along with their spare parts, were sold to global markets, generating revenue that allowed the client to recoup a significant portion of the dismantling costs. This case highlights the financial and environmental benefits of integrating circular economy strategies into wind farm decommissioning projects. By avoiding landfill waste, reducing the need for new raw materials, and extending the life cycle of turbine components, this initiative showcases a viable model for sustainable wind energy operations.