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Kristiina Nauts, Head of Wind Developments, Utilitas Wind OÜ
The Saare-Liivi offshore wind farm, an ongoing project by Utilitas in Estonia, plans to install 80 wind turbines by 2028, generating 1,200 MW of power and over 5 TWh of electricity annually. Located 20 km off Estonia's coast in the Gulf of Livonia, the project has the most significant impact to the nearby island of Kihnu, a UNESCO-recognized cultural site with 700 residents. This presentation explores how Utilitas has engaged the Kihnu community in the wind farm's development. Key benefits include cheaper electricity, job creation, infrastructure improvements, and a substantial boost to Kihnu's local budget through Estonia's "wind turbine fee." This fee is crucial for Kihnu, where job opportunities are limited, and the local government's annual budget is only €2.1 million (2024). The expected fee could nearly double this budget. However, communicating these benefits to a traditional community focused on preserving its unique heritage requires a long-term, proactive communication strategy involving locals from the start.