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Future proofing planning for the deployment of offshore wind P-2-X at scale
Steve Freeman, Managing Director, Renewable Energy Partners
Co-development of green hydrogen and offshore wind is a natural fit. They offer unique characteristics to diversify downstream energy systems and decarbonize hard to abate sectors. Yet the urgency to overcome pre-commercial technological challenges is not reflected in the planning and safety regimes needed to deploy projects at scale and speed. Current offshore wind P-2-X planning regimes remain "regulatory constrained" as those responsible for permitting co-developments are not yet fully aligned or lack a clear mandate to consent. This paper sets out the challenges, solutions and who should take responsibility. A comprehensive literature review, industry consultation and case studies have identified gaps in the planning and safety regimes, which if unchecked are likely to slow future deployment of largescale projects. This is a global challenge for developers, regulators and governments that can be anticipated. With energy security and climate abatement high on political agendas, the learning curve to ensure planning regimes for co-development are future proofed can't be underestimated. This paper demonstrates the need for knowledge sharing and pinpoints the opportunities to develop better practice that's designed to accelerate deployment - safely, sustainability and timely.