WindEurope Bulletin CEO Foreword on remaining priorities for WindEurope in 2020 | WindEurope
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WindEurope Bulletin CEO Foreword on remaining priorities for WindEurope in 2020

CEO Foreword

Dear WindEurope Member,

Autumn 2020 is a significant “start of term” for our industry and association.

Governments in Europe have now finalised their National Energy & Climate Plans (NECPs) for 2030. On paper the numbers are OK. The commitments add up to 33% renewable energy by 2030, slightly higher than the EU target, with significant increase in onshore and offshore wind. But the Plans are less good on how countries are actually going to deliver their commitments. Some have clear auction plans, others don’t. Above all the Plans say little about how Governments are going to deliver the simpler permitting systems that are needed to build the new wind farms. You can read our analysis of the NECPs further below.

The autumn will also see the EU Commission propose a more ambitious climate target for 2030. The current goal is to cut CO2 emissions by 40% on 1990 levels. The Commission want to raise that to 50-55% – to give the EU a chance of delivering the “climate neutrality” by 2050 it has now committed to.

Some of you may have seen the report we published in July on the impact of COVID-19 on our industry. It shows existing wind farms have performed well during the crisis, and that wind was 17% of Europe’s electricity in H1. H1 installations held up better than we might have feared at 5 GW. And H1 saw €14bn of new investments for 6 GW of new capacity, though €11bn of this was large offshore projects; new onshore investments were down on H1 2019.

Later this month we will publish our annual Flagship Report which will focus on wind and economic recovery – and how wind energy can make the green recovery work for communities in terms of jobs, growth, and competitiveness. We will present it in a new “Sofa Talks” webinar at the end of the month – watch out for the date.

In November we are then holding a high-level online event on the critical importance of onshore wind in delivering the European Green Deal. The benefits and importance of onshore wind are also the focus of a new WindEurope infographic we have published this week. Do share it with people.

Also this autumn …

You can find out more about these events in the rest of the Bulletin below.

Finally …

I wish you an enjoyable read.

Take care,

Giles Dickson signature
– Giles Dickson
CEO, WindEurope

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