Day four, 11 June
Mon 8 JuneTue 9 JuneWed 10 JuneThu 11 JuneProgramme committeeOperational Assessment: Data-driven operations
Short break
Operational Assessment: End-of-Life and business models
Short break
Final session: Climate change
Posters & Networking – including exhibitors’ private sessions
Breakout – Data-driven operations

Jose Alba
Head of Global O&M Wind and Storage, Enel Green Power

Simon Foss Børresen
Head of Advanced Analytics; Deputy Product Manager DnD ART; Offshore – Operations, Ørsted
Owner’s perspective: the value of remote monitoring and advanced data analytics

Bo Rømer-Odgaard
Chief Engineer, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
OEM perspective: operational decisions in the wind farm based on previous data

Matteo Moschini
Head of Monitoring and Control Rooms Support, Enel Green Power
Step back to move forward: how having a data model can change Operation & Maintenance

Bruno Pinto
CTO, Sereema
Independent and high frequency data for wind farm operation optimisation
Operational Assessment – End of Life and Business Models
The average operational lifetime of a wind farm is estimated to be in the range of 20-25 years. This means that a significant portion of most installed wind farms will come to their nominal End of Life in the coming years and operators will have to make critical business decisions based on the specific characteristics of the site, conditions and installed technology. With reference to the European Union, such decisions will also have a significant impact on delivering the 2030 wind capacity and energy targets declared in the National Energy and Climate Plans as well as on the foreseen carbon neutrality targets by 2050. The session End of Life & Business Decisions will kick-off with an overview of the current wind energy landscape and repowering potentials in Italy and it will them move on to give an account of cutting-edge tools to help navigating among the possible options: extend the operational life of the assets, re-power the site or decommission.

Alessio Cipullo
European Affairs and Studies, Elettricità Futura

Luca di Carlo
Scientific Secretary, ANEV

Thibaud Uhl
O&M REX Manager – Knowledge Officer BU France Renewable, ENGIE
The current O&M strategies and their impacts on the windfarm performances

Thibaut Labonde
Business Development Manager – Mediterranean, UL International
The current O&M strategies and their impacts on the windfarm performances

Alvaro Gonzalez-Salcedo
Senior Engineer, CENER
State of health of wind farms using SCADA and digital twins based on aeroelastic models

Philipp Stukenbrock
Head of Sales, 8.2 Consulting AG
Lifetime extension reports and the approach to analyze the trend of old turbines for the period of the remaining lifetime – Results and challenges based on 1 000 lifetime extension assessments

Chris Stetter
Chief Technology Officer, Nefino GmbH
Repowering potentials of end-of-life turbines: Macroscale spatial planning analyses of national wind fleets
Plenary session – Climate Change
The COVID-19 pandemic is opening a transformational era: it is becoming even more crucial, evident and urgent to find actionable solutions to the challenge of climate change. Moreover, this health crisis had shown the fragility of future predictions based on what has been historically considered as ‘normal.’ We need to be prepared and fully equipped to understand the shifts and changes in climate towards new conditions – and what implications these will have across all our wind farm projects. This session will bring you an insightful discussion on the future of wind, building on two essential presentations:We welcome you onboard and highly value your participation in the interactive debate that will follow the presentations.

Gil Lizcano
R&D Director, Vortex

Axel Kleidon
Group leader, Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry
Limits to wind energy: from the physical basis to practical applications in offshore wind resource estimation

Ana Lopez
Science Lead, Climate-Scale
Wind stilling past and future: is the jury still out?