SpeakersPostersPresenters’ dashboardProgramme committeeBlockages & wakes II
When: Tuesday, 11 June 2024, 10:15 - 11:30
Where: Pembroke-Herbert room
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Session description
The growing size of wind farms and wind farm clusters demands a greater understanding of their impact on flow in their surrounds. This session will provide the audience with latest relevant results from findings based on measurement and power data, and advances in a range of modelling approaches, ranging from mesoscale models to machine learning. The session will bring these advances into the context of actual scenarios for wind energy deployment.
Session chair

Jake Badger
Head of Section, Resource Assessment and Meteorology, DTU Wind Energy

Wiebke Langreder
Head of Consulting, EMD International A/S

High density offshore wind farms in regionally clustered areas - A comparative model study
Joseph Anthony Vitulli
Senior Consultant - Offshore Wind Advisory, Ramboll

OWA GloBE: Measuring and Modelling the Global Blockage Effect to Achieve Industry Consensus
Christopher Rodaway
Lead Scientist - Advanced Numerics, RWE

A new improved wind farm parameterization scheme in the WRF mesoscale model
Oscar Garcia-Santiago
PhD Student, DTU Wind and Energy Systems

Boundary layer educated long range wake estimates from CFD.ML
Tom Levick
WindFarmer Product Owner, DNV
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