Programme committeePresenters dashboardSpeakersPostersThe future of forecasting
When: Thursday, 1 June 2023, 15:00 - 15:45
Where: Auditorium Lumière
Session description
The aim of this panel session is to bring together industrial and academic stakeholders as well experience from the H2020 project Smart4RES, to discuss about the future of wind power forecasting. What will be the disruptive research directions to follow, what will be the game changers in the future, what kind of new forecasting products should be developed to meet future needs and what will be the requested properties of the solutions beyond accuracy, are some of the questions to brainstorm.
Session chair

Georges Kariniotakis
Professor, Head of Renewables & SmartGrids Group, Centre PERSEE of Mines Paris - PSL

An outlook of Smart4RES contributions and research perspectives for renewable energy forecasting
Georges Kariniotakis
Professor, Head of Renewables & SmartGrids Group, Centre PERSEE of Mines Paris - PSL

Statistical Downscaling for Seasonal Wind Power Forecasts
Jens Schreiber
Senior Data Scientist, enercast GmbH
Prediction and detection of ramp events using a lidar-based minute-scale power forecast
Janna Kristina Seifert
Researcher, ForWind, University of Oldenburg
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