Why is this a pivotal time for wind energy in Europe?

Wind energy is now the cheapest form of new power generation and has recently been a hotbed of European innovation and success. But the sector faces one of its most daunting policy challenge: keeping the momentum to 2030. The WindEurope Conference and Exhibition is where industry players will make the connections necessary to further the reach of wind energy.
Recent success
The industry has seen massive cost reductions in onshore wind with the tenders in Spain after a four year market standstill and the UK joining the cost reduction trend in offshore wind with a 47% drop in Contracts for Difference in the last auction. Europe is now home to the world’s first floating offshore wind farm and, increasingly, to corporates signing Renewable Power Purchase Agreements and driving new demand for green power. Europe could be on course for 12.6 GW of installations per year up to 2020. By then wind would be Europe’s largest renewable energy source, providing 16.5% of Europe’s electricity demand.
Securing the future of our industry
But the outlook from 2020 is uncertain. As an industry, we need ambitious National Energy & Climate Action Plans that provide clarity on post-2020 volumes and allow cost reductions to continue. This requires a good outcome in the negotiations between EU countries and the European Parliament on the Clean Energy Package. With an upgraded market design, a strong electrification agenda and an ambitious renewable energy target of at least 35% by 2030, the wind industry can deliver even bigger volumes at competitive costs.
The WindEurope Conference and Exhibition is the ideal forum for industry players to address these challenges. All the key players from European onshore and offshore wind industry, policymakers and opinion leaders will be there, making new contacts at the conference and availing of networking opportunities on the exhibition floor.
The future of wind in Europe will be shaped by the conversations we have today. The WindEurope Conference and Exhibition is where these conversations will happen.