Securing EU funding to the wind energy sector – an overview of the Horizon2020 call for proposals in 2018-2020 & Consortium Building event

When: Tuesday 28 November 2017, 16:30-17:30
Where: WindEurope Stand (2C32), EU funded projects corner
Open to: All participants who pre-register (for free) using this link
The last work programme of the Horizon 2020 was launched on 27 October, presenting the financial support to R&I activities in the period 2018 -2020.
Ahead of the Horizon 2020 Energy Info Days on 23-25 October 2017, WindEurope organised a webinar for its members to give a sneak peek of the specific funding for the wind energy sector in 2018 and 2019.
If you have missed that, you have another chance to listen to the European Commission presenting the calls again.
A Consortium Building session will follow the presentation. This is a unique networking opportunity to meet potential partners and team up in future EU project proposals!
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