Global Wind Atlas 2.0

When: Tuesday, 28 November 2017, 16:00-17:30
Where: D403, Elicium – 4th floor
Open to: All participants
Global Wind Atlas 2.0 will be unveiled at the Wind Europe Conference 2017, following a complete global remodelling of the wind resource data and creation of a brand new website. GWA 2.0 represents a major leap forward in the provision of free, high quality wind data aimed at both investors and policymakers, with a particular emphasis on developing country markets. It has been commissioned by the World Bank Group, with funding from the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), and has been developed by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and Vortex.
This side event follows the GWA 2.0 launch to dive into further details about why GWA 2.0 was developed, provide an overview of the methodology, demonstrate its new features, and discuss plans for GWA 3.0. The team is keen to get your feedback!
Featured speakers will include: Oliver Knight, Senior Energy Specialist at the World Bank; Gil Lizcano, R&D Director at Vortex; Jake Badger, Head of Section at DTU Wind Energy.
This event is open to all participants, you do not need any pass to enter this side event, however if you wish to visit the conference or exhibition at any point, you must be registered.Organised by: