Sandrine Aubrun

Prof. Sandrine Aubrun has just joined Ecole Centrale de Nantes in France, at the Laboratory of Research on Hydrodynamics, Energetics and Atmospheric Environment (LHEEA). Her research activities are focused on aerodynamics and wind resource dedicated to wind energy. She was president of European Academy of Wind Energy during the two last academic years (2015-2017).
She received her PhD degree in fluid mechanics from Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse in France in 1998. She had a 2-year post doc position in ONERA (1998-2000) working on aeronautical applications and then a 4-year post-doc position (2000-2004) at the Meteorological Institute in Hamburg University in Germany, where she was working on atmospheric dispersion.
She was associate professors at Université d’Orléans in Laboratoire PRISME from 2004 and developed research activities on aerodynamics for wind energy applications.