"Local impact, global leadership"


Graham Weale

Honorary Professor of Energy Economics and Politics, Ruhr Uni Bochum, Germany


Graham Weale is Honorary Professor for Energy Economics & Politics at the Ruhr University Bochum and senior advisor to the Energy Transitions Commission. Previously he was for nine years Chief Economist for RWE AG (Germany’s largest power generator) based in Essen. Beforehand he was Director of European Energy Services for Global Insight (now part of IHS CERA). His responsibilities included projects for the European Commission, European governments and regulators. Previously he worked as a management consultant with Deloitte specialising in energy liberalisation issues. He began his career with ExxonMobil working in supply and refining. Graham has a physics degree from Oxford University, an MSc in Systems Engineering from the City University, London and an MBA from Cranfield School of Management. He is a fellow of the London Institute of Energy, member of the German Wirtschaftsrat (economic advisory council) and IEA Energy Business Council.

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