"Local impact, global leadership"


Matthieu Monnier

Head of industry and offshore wind, France Energie Eolienne, France


Matthieu is Head of Industry and Offshore wind at the French wind energy association – France Energie Eolienne - (FEE). Deeply involved in the transition and the digitalization of the French energy sector, he worked a year (2010-2011) as a Liaison Officer for the World Bank and Americas-Balkans-IEC at the French Ministry of Environment. He spent then 3 years at the German office of Business France in Düsseldorf, advising French companies that aimed to export product and services to Germany, in the energy sector (renewables, digital services, nuclear energy dismantling…). Since November 2014, he supports the development of the wind industry in France, in both onshore and offshore, at FEE. Matthieu participated in the definition of the tender conditions for the floating offshore wind pilot farms’ call for projects in 2016. He currently works on the preparation of the floating offshore wind first commercial tender in France.

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