Conference programmeTopic LeadersSpeakersPostersScience & ResearchArne Reidar Gravdahl
Software Development Manager, WindSim AS, Norway
Arne R. Gravdahl holds a Ph.D in Turbulence modelling from The Norwegian Institute of Technology in Trondheim. For more than 20 years he has been working within the area of Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD. He is the founder of WindSim AS, where he today holds the position as CTO. WindSim AS is a software company developing the simulator WindSim used within the wind energy sector for optimizing the energy production from wind farms. Since 2013 he holds a part time position as associate professor within wind energy at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
- A dynamic line rating system based on CFD for planning and operating transmission lines
The grid infrastructure we need for higher wind penetration