Stocktaking and Road ahead towards North Sea Summit III - BMWK / WindEurope - WindEurope Annual Event 2025

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Putting wind at the heart of Europe’s competitiveness

Stocktaking and Road ahead towards North Sea Summit III – BMWK / WindEurope

 Offshore Coalition for Energy and Nature and the Renewables Grid Initiative

When: Wednesday 9 April, 09:00 – 12:00

Where: Meeting Room 6, Bella Center – Level 1

Open to: Invitation only

Germany will host the third North Seas Summit, a collaborative forum aimed at turning the North Seas into a green power plant for Europe. At this event, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, together with WindEurope, will give an overview of the input received in the accompanying stakeholder process so far, and will also host a discussion on these topics. The event is structured as a platform for consultation and key theses from the industry, building up to the North Seas Summit.

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