Critical technologies for future offshore wind - WindEurope Annual Event 2025

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Putting wind at the heart of Europe’s competitiveness

Critical technologies for future offshore wind

Critical technologies for future offshore wind

When: Wednesday 9 April, 09:00 – 11:00

Where: Meeting Room 179, Bella Sky Hotel – Level 1

Open to: All registered participants

Floating offshore wind has the potential to play a central role in achieving the European Commission’s goals for a climate-neutral energy system. But expanding this capacity comes with significant techno-socio-enviro-economic challenges – new technologies need to cope with increased loading conditions, stakeholders need to be integrated early in the decision-making, and the protection and preservation of biodiversity must be taken into account.

The EU-funded INF4INiTY project aims to develop critical technologies for future offshore wind farms that balance human needs for clean energy with the necessity of minimising negative environmental and social impacts. The project focuses on a nature-inclusive design for floating offshore wind, as well as innovative primary artificial reef structures. During the side event, we will give an overview of INF4INiTY and our partners (GICON and Aquatera Atlántico) will present their approaches to the current techno-socio-enviro-economic challenges in the framework of the project. We will also look at floating converter station solutions and others.

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